403 research outputs found


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    El presente ensayo tiene como objetivo reflexionar sobre la herencia africana negra en Venezuela, como aporte a la cultura del pa\ueds. En cuanto a la perspectiva metodol\uf3gica, se adopta la hermen\ue9utica cr\uedtica, como m\ue9todo de argumentaci\uf3n y la ex\ue9gesis como t\ue9cnica argumentativa, para disertar sobre tres aspectos que forman parte del legado africano y que dan cuenta de nuestra identidad cultural: lo hist\uf3rico-social, lo religioso y lo ling\ufc\uedstico. Con relaci\uf3n al legado hist\uf3rico y social, la autora comenta la participaci\uf3n del negro en la historia venezolana, incorporando la idea de "cimarronaje"; en atenci\uf3n a la visi\uf3n m\ue1gico-religiosa, deja entrever el hilo de magia que ronda el ideario religioso del hombre negro; y a prop\uf3sito del legado ling\ufc\uedstico muestra algunos t\ue9rminos de origen africano que han quedado en el espa\uf1ol actual. La autora concluye que para hablar de la influencia de la cultura negra en Venezuela, se deben discutir los m\ufaltiples factores que inciden en la conformaci\uf3n de la cultura en este pa\ueds, desde diversas visiones disciplinarias y desde productos culturales del arte, m\ue1s all\ue1 de la mera herencia o legado hist\uf3rico-antropol\uf3gico. Palabras clave: herencia africana, identidad venezolana, cultura negra en Venezuela. ABSTRACT The aim of this paper is to reflect about the African black heritage in Venezuela, as a contribution to the country's culture. Regarding the methodological perspective, critical hermeneutics is adopted, as a method of argumentation and exegesis as an argumentative technique, to discuss three aspects that are part of the African legacy and that account for our cultural identity: the historical-social one, the religious one and the linguistic one. Regarding the historical and social legacy, the author comments on the participation of the African people in Venezuelan history, incorporating the idea of ??"cimarronaje"; in attention to the magical-religious vision, it shows the thread of magic that surrounds the religious ideology of the black man; and on the subject of the linguistic legacy, it illustrates some terms of African origin that have remained in the current Spanish. The author concludes that to talk about the influence of black culture in Venezuela, we must discuss the multiple factors that influence the conformation of culture in this country, from diverse disciplinary visions and from cultural products of art, beyond the mere heritage or historical-anthropological legacy. Keywords: African heritage, Venezuelan identity, black culture in Venezuela. <br

    Network models in the study of metabolism

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    The systematic study of the genetic fingerprint (genomics) and the biochemistry (metabolites) that goes with a specific cellular process requires the characterization of all the small molecules that form the profile of metabolites and the associated genes. The metabolome represents the collection of all the metabolites during certain process in an organism. The transcriptome represents the gene expression profile, all the messengers RNA in a defined condition. Then to understand the whole process, the studies of metabolites must be accompanied with studies of the gene expression, hence the metabolome must be accompanied by the transcriptome, so we can identify genes and metabolites whose synthesis is induced by a specific process, an infection or stress. Studies of metabolomics generate an enormous amount of data, then they need mathematical and computational tools to establish the correlations between the biochemical and genetic data, and to build up networks that represent the complex metabolic interactions that occur in each case, using tools like Graph and Networks Theory to elucidate the emergent properties inherent to the complex interactions of the metabolic maps. This paper describes the major mathematical tools that can be used for these studies, with emphasis on a semi-qualitative proposal known as the kinetic structural model


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    Esta investigaci\uf3n se plante\uf3 como objetivo establecer la relaci\uf3n de las variables autoeficacia y percepci\uf3n de apoyo social con la adherencia terap\ue9utica de pacientes oncol\uf3gicos en tratamiento de la Sociedad Anticancerosa del Estado Lara, enmarcada en el paradigma positivista, con un enfoque cuantitativo, descriptivo de correlaci\uf3n, de campo y un dise\uf1o transeccional; con una muestra de 40 pacientes, a quienes previo consentimiento informado se les aplico dos instrumentos: Escala de Autoeficacia General de B\ue4bler y Schwarzer (1993); Cuestionario MOS de Apoyo Social de Sherbourne y Cols (1991) y el Cuestionario para la evaluaci\uf3n de la Adherencia Terap\ue9utica MBG de Mart\uedn, Bayarre y Grau (2008). Los resultados fueron: Autoeficacia 33,55 puntos, lo cual indica alta autoeficacia, Percepci\uf3n de Apoyo Social 84,30 puntos indicando una alta percepci\uf3n de apoyo social y Adherencia Terap\ue9utica 38,55 puntos lo cual sugiere una adherencia total. Al relacionar Autoeficacia con Adherencia no se obtuvo relaci\uf3n significativa; al hacerlo con Percepci\uf3n de Apoyo Social y la Adherencia se encontr\uf3 una relaci\uf3n positiva d\ue9bil entre dos de sus dimensiones, Apoyo Afectivo y Cumplimiento del Tratamiento r=3D416. Se concluye que no existe una relaci\uf3n significativa entre las variables. Palabras Claves: Autoeficacia. Percepci\uf3n de Apoyo Social. Adherencia Terap\ue9utica. C\ue1ncer. Psicolog\ueda de la Salud. ABSTRACT The objective of this research was to establish the relation between the variables self - efficacy and perception of social support with the therapeutic adherence of oncological patients in treatment of the Anticancer Society of the State of Lara, framed in the positivist paradigm, with a quantitative, field and a transectional design; with a sample of 40 patients, who with prior informed consent were given two instruments: B\ue4bler and Schwarzer's (1993) General Self-Efficacy Scale; Social Support MOS Questionnaire by Sherbourne and Cols (1991) and the Questionnaire for the evaluation of MBG Therapeutic Adherence from Mart\uedn, Bayarre and Grau (2008). The results were: Self-efficacy 33.55 points, which indicate high self-efficacy, Social Support Perception 84.30 points indicating a high perception of social support and Therapeutic Adherence 38.55 points which suggests a total adherence. When relating Self-efficacy with Adherence no significant relationship was obtained; when doing so with Social Support Perception and Adherence, a weak positive relationship was found between two dimensions, Affective Support and Treatment Compliance r =3D 416. We conclude that there is no significant relationship between variables. Key words: Self-efficacy. Perception of Social Support. Therapeutic Adherence. Cancer. Health Psychology. <br

    Parasitoidismo de Psyllaephagus pilosus Noyes (Hym.: Encyrtidae) sobre el ps\uedlido del eucalipto Ctenarytaina eucalypti (Maskell) (Hem.: Psyllidae) en plantaciones de eucaliptos en la V regi\uf3n

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    The blue gum psyllid, Ctenarytaina eucalypti (Maskell) (Hemiptera: Psyllidae), was detected in Eucalyptus sp. shoots in the I Region of Chile in 1999. The successful results obtained in North America and Europe using biological control with Psyllaephagus pilosus Noyes (Hym.: Encyrtidae) motivated its application in Chile. After its introduction during 2001, studies showed a rapid establishment and a high dispersion capacity during the first year. To evaluate its permanent establishment and its controlling efficacy on the pest without requiring new releases, population fluctuations of both species were determined in contiguous eucalyptus plantations of 14 and 2 months, with and without release of the parasitoid, respectively. The study was performed in Casablanca (33\ub026' S lat, 71\ub029' W long, 320 m.o.s.l.).Two plots of 60 x 40 m with 311 plants were selected. Biweekly were collected shoots, placed directly in glass jars, and all stages of psyllids and parasitoids were identified and counted under a stereoscopic microscope in the laboratory. Results showed that when the highest density of the psyllia, parasitoidism affected over 80% of the developed nymphs, reducing drastically the total density of C. eucalypti throughout the season. Results also indicated that the parasitoid established definitely and is able to control outbreaks of the psyllids without new releases. In addition to the parasitoid, the physiological state of the plant shoots and the transformation of foliage associated with the plant development also influenced psyllid population fluctuation.El ps\uedlido del eucalipto, Ctenarytaina eucalypti (Maskell) (Hemiptera: Psyllidae), fue detectado en brotes de Eucalyptus sp. en la I Regi\uf3n de Chile en 1999. Los resultados exitosos obtenidos en Norteam\ue9rica y Europa con el control biol\uf3gico mediante el parasitoide Psyllaephagus pilosus (Hym.: Encyrtidae) motivaron su aplicaci\uf3n en Chile. Luego de su internaci\uf3n el a\uf1o 2001, se comprob\uf3 un r\ue1pido establecimiento y una notable capacidad de dispersi\uf3n durante el primer a\uf1o. Para evaluar su establecimiento y eficacia reguladora sobre la plaga, sin requerir nuevas liberaciones, fueron evaluadas las fluctuaciones poblacionales de ambas especies en plantaciones contiguas de eucaliptos de 14 y 2 meses, con y sin liberaci\uf3n de parasitoide, respectivamente. El estudio fue realizado en Casablanca (33\ub026' lat. Sur, 71\ub029' long. Oeste, 320 m.s.n.m.), donde se seleccionaron dos parcelas de 60 x 40 m con 311 plantas cada una. Quincenalmente se extrajeron brotes, los que fueron colocados en frascos y transportados al laboratorio donde se identificaron y contabilizaron los individuos presentes. Los resultados mostraron que en per\uedodos de mayor densidad del ps\uedlido, el parasitoidismo afect\uf3 m\ue1s del 80% de las ninfas desarrolladas, produciendo una reducci\uf3n notable de su densidad poblacional total en el transcurso de la temporada. Los resultados tambi\ue9n se\uf1alan que el parasitoide se estableci\uf3 definitivamente y fue capaz de controlar los rebrotes poblacionales del ps\uedlido sin necesidad de nuevas liberaciones. Adem\ue1s del parasitoide, el estado fisiol\uf3gico de los brotes de las plantas y el cambio de follaje asociado al desarrollo de las plantas tambi\ue9n influyeron sobre la fluctuaci\uf3n poblacional del ps\uedlido

    The effect of the crisis on material deprivation in Italy and Spain

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    The focus of this paper is on the analysis of the impact of the crisis on material deprivation in two South European countries: Italy and Spain. The countries chosen have been deeply hit by the economic downturn and the use of the available comparable microdata allows us to detect the most vulnerable collective in the crisis taking into account also gender differences. The microdata used are the Italian and Spanish Income and Living Conditions Surveys of 2007 and 2010. Our results confirm the growth of deprivation as a consequence of the economic crisis in both countries and show that women are more likely to face income poverty and deprivation

    Measuring the impact of the crisis on unemployment and household income

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    The current economic crisis has significantly increased unemployment rates and its effect is more persistent than expected, leading to an increase in long term unemployment and inactivity. Among other effects, the experience of unemployment results in a decrease in purchasing power, a loss of human capital, a discouraging effect among the long-term unemployed and the inactive as well as wide-ranging social costs as a worsening of inequality and well-being indicators. The assessment of the costs of unemployment on individuals and households' living conditions is usually carried out using microeconomic data from household surveys that are however issued with delay. Hence, they do not allow for a prompt analysis of the impact of the economic cycle to guide policy makers. In the case of the European Income and Living Conditions Surveys (EU SILC) the data are available with a delay of at least one year and, additionally, we have to consider that the income data refers to the year before the survey (for instance, in the Italian case the last available microdata at the moment of writing this paper are from 2011). To solve this problem we carried out a microsimulation analysis using the European Statistics on Income and Living Conditions Surveys together with the Labour Force Survey (LFS) microdata. Therefore, we propose a methodology based on different sources of microdata that could provide the analysts and the policy makers with a more immediate analysis of the costs of unemployment. This would prove to be extremely useful in a time of high unemployment and budgetary restrictions as the one in which we find ourselves in today. The microsimulation technique developed in this paper is based on the imputation of transition probabilities and simulated income. Unlike other techniques such as the re- weighting approach, the microsimulation technique adopted here allows us to take into account the changes occurred in the composition of the unemployed. To test the validity of the proposed methodology we apply it to Italy, a European country severely hit by the crisis. We focus on the Italian economy since this country is a member of the Eurozone and its labour market has particular structural characteristics: a high degree of inflexibility in wage determination, rigidity in hiring and firing practices, very low achievement in terms of female labour-force participation and a strong duality between fixed-term and open-ended contracts. The country has an employment protection system corresponding to the Mediterranean model that is characterized by a rather low coverage of unemployment benefit moreover, the wide use of temporary contracts in hiring young workers to avoid the much higher dismissal costs of permanent contracts coupled with the deep recession, have resulted in a youth unemployment rate standing well over the European average. In Section 2 we introduce the methodology that will be used to microsimulate the effect of the crisis on income distribution and income poverty in Section 3 by relying on European surveys. In order to check its validity, we do progress with its application to Italy in Section 4. The final section will offer conclusions

    Evaluaci\uf3n de un detergente en base a benceno sulfonato de sodio para el control de la mosquita blanca Aleurothrixus floccosus (Maskell) (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) y de la ara\uf1ita roja Panonychus citri (McGregor) (Acarina: Tetranychidae) en naranjos y mandarinos

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    The woolly whitefly Aleurothrixus floccosus (Maskell), and the red citrus red mite Panonychus citri (McGregor), are considered serious citrus pests which may cause economic damage, and the use of non selective insecticides increases the problem due to the effect on the natural enemies. To evaluate the use of detergent based on sodium benzene sulfonate on the reduction of whiteflies, mites and natural enemies, experiments were performed in two citrus orchards. The first field trial was carried out on in a mandarin orchard ( Citrus reticulata Blanco) infested by the woolly whitefly at El Palqui (IV Region, Chile). The experiment consisted of the evaluation of two applications of detergent (February 10th and March 3rd, 1998), compared with an untreated control. The results showed significant differences in A. floccosus populations between sprayed and untreated trees from May to July. The mean of parasitized nymphs between March and August was 89.6% in treated trees and 57.1% in untreated trees. The proportion of fruits at harvest with sooty mould was lower on untreated trees compared with the control, 2.3% and 45.5%, respectively. The second field trial was carried out on an orange orchard trees ( Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck), infested by the citrus red miteat Hijuelas (V Region) and included the following applications detergent, chinometionate, mineral oil and water. Chinometionate produced an effective control of the phytophagous mites populations and an almost total elimination of natural enemies such as phytoseiids and the coccinellid Stethorus histrio Chazeau. The application of detergent and mineral oil showed less control compared to the acaricide and less impact on populations of natural enemies.La mosquita blanca Aleurothrixus floccosus (Maskell) y la ara\uf1ita roja Panonychus citri (McGregor) son consideradas plagas que causan da\uf1os econ\uf3micos a los c\uedtricos, y el uso de insecticidas no selectivos aumenta el problema por su efecto sobre los enemigos naturales. Para evaluar el uso del detergente en base a benceno sulfonato de sodio en la reducci\uf3n de mosquitas blancas, ara\uf1itas y sus enemigos naturales se desarrollaron experimentos en dos huertos de c\uedtricos. El primer ensayo fue realizado en un huerto de mandarinos ( Citrus reticulata Blanco) infestado con mosquitas blancas en El Palqui (IV Regi\uf3n). El experimento consisti\uf3 en la evaluaci\uf3n de dos aplicaciones del detergente (10 de febrero y 3 de marzo de 1998), comparado con un control sin aplicaci\uf3n. Los resultados mostraron diferencias significativas en la presencia de A. floccosus entre \ue1rboles asperjados y no asperjados, desde mayo a julio. Entremarzo y agosto de 1998 el promedio de ninfas parasitadas en los \ue1rboles tratados fue de 89,6 y de 57,1% en las plantas sin lavar. La proporci\uf3n de frutos manchados con fumagina en la cosecha fue menor en los \ue1rboles asperjados comparados con el control, 2,3 y 45,5%, respectivamente. El segundo ensayo fue realizado en un huerto de naranjos ( Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck) infestado con ara\uf1ita roja de los c\uedtricos en Hijuelas (V Regi\uf3n) y consider\uf3 la aplicaci\uf3n de: detergente, chinometionate, aceite mineral y agua. Chinometionate produjo un efectivo control de las ara\uf1itas fit\uf3fagas y una eliminaci\uf3n casi total de sus enemigos naturales representados por fitoseidos y el coccin\ue9lido Stethorus histrio Chazeau. La aplicaci\uf3n del detergente y el aceite mineral mostraron una actividad inferior al acaricida y un impacto menor sobre las poblaciones de enemigos naturales

    The Entrainment Frequency of Cardiolocomotor Synchronization in Long-Distance Race Emerges Spontaneously at the Step Frequency

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    In forced conditions, where the heart rate and step frequency have been matched, cardiolocomotor synchronization (CLS) has been recognized. However, knowledge about the occurrence of CLS and its triggers in sports gesture in real contexts is little known. To address this gap, the current study tested the hypothesis that CLS in running spontaneous conditions would emerge at entrainment bands of muscle activation frequencies associated with a freely chosen step frequency. Sixteen male long-distance runners undertook treadmill assessments running ten three-minute bouts at different speeds (7, 7.5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15 km c5h-1). Electrocardiography and surface electromyography were recorded simultaneously. The center frequency was the mean of the frequency spectrum obtained by wavelet decomposition, while CLS magnitude was determined by the wavelet coherence coefficient (WCC) between the electrocardiography and center frequency signals. The strength of CLS affected the entrainment frequencies between cardiac and muscle systems, and for WCC values greater than 0.8, the point from which we consider the emerging CLS, the entrainment frequency was between 2.7 and 2.8 Hz. The CLS emerged at faster speeds (13-15 km c5h-1) most prevalently but did not affect the muscle activation bands. Spontaneous CLS occurred at faster speeds predominantly, and the entrainment frequencies matched the locomotor task, with the entrainment bands of frequencies emerging around the step frequencies (2.7-2.8 Hz). These findings are compatible with the concept that interventions that determine optima conditions of CLS may potentiate the benefits of the cardiac and muscle systems synchronized in distance runners

    Monitoring of the polarized H2O maser emission around the massive protostars W75N(B)-VLA 1 and W75N(B)-VLA 2

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    Context. Several radio sources have been detected in the high-mass star-forming region W75N(B), with the massive young stellar objects VLA 1 and VLA 2 shown to be of particular interest among them. These objects are thought to be at different evolutionary stages: VLA 1 is in the early stage of photoionization and driving a thermal radio jet, while VLA 2 is a thermal, collimated ionized wind surrounded by a dusty disk or envelope. In both sources, 22 GHz H2O masers have been detected in the past. Those around VLA 1 show a persistent linear distribution along the thermal radio jet, while those around VLA 2 have traced the evolution from a non-collimated to a collimated outflow over a period of ~20 yr. The magnetic field inferred from the H2O masers has shown an orientation rotation following the direction of the major-axis of the shell around VLA 2, whereas it is immutable around VLA 1. Aims. By monitoring the polarized emission of the 22 GHz H2O masers around both VLA 1 and VLA 2 over a period of six years, we aim to determine whether the H2O maser distributions show any variation over time and whether the magnetic field behaves accordingly. Methods. The European VLBI Network was used in full polarization and phase-reference mode in order to determine the absolute positions of the 22 GHz H2O masers with a beam size of ~1 mas and to determine the orientation and the strength of the magnetic field. We observed four epochs separated by two years from 2014 to 2020. Results. We detected polarized emission from the H2O masers around both VLA 1 and VLA 2 in all the epochs. By comparing the H2O masers detected in the four epochs, we find that the masers around VLA 1 are tracing a nondissociative shock originating from the expansion of the thermal radio jet, while the masers around VLA 2 are tracing an asymmetric expansion of the gas that is halted in the northeast where the gas likely encounters a very dense medium. We also found that the magnetic field inferred from the H2O masers in each epoch can be considered as a portion of a quasi-static magnetic field estimated in that location rather than in that time. This allowed us to study the morphology of the magnetic field around both VLA 1 and VLA 2 locally across a larger area by considering the vectors estimated in all the epochs as a whole. We find that the magnetic field in VLA 1 is located along the jet axis, bending toward the north and south at the northeasterly and southwesterly ends of the jet, respectively, reconnecting with the large-scale magnetic field. The magnetic field in VLA 2 is perpendicular to the expansion directions until it encounters the denser matter in the northeast, where the magnetic field is parallel to the expansion direction and agrees with the large-scale magnetic field. We also measured the magnetic field strength along the line of sight in three of the four epochs, with resulting values of -764mG&lt;B||VLA1 &lt; -676 mG and -355mG&lt;B||VLA2&lt;-2426 mG
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